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Craniosacral Therapy + Reflexology - 2hrs £500

A sensory journey working with the cranio to get you out of your head and into your holiday using local herbs indigenous to the island.   Indulge in the soothing touch of having your feet bathed and warm oils poured over them to ground and connect you to the magic of the island using the healing art of Reflexology. Feel yourself transform as you float through this beautiful experience. ​​​​

Body Awakening Energy Session - 2hr £500

Step into a world of ultimate relaxation with an exquisite gentle loving feminine essence full-body energy session. Indulge in the soothing touch of warm oils poured all over your body, a melodic soundscape journey, blending ancient healing arts with the power of Reflexology. Feel transformed as you immerse yourself in this unique and divine experience.

Reflexology - 2hrs £500

Reflexology works holistically with the whole body to rebalance imbalances in the body using fragrances, candles, music, my voice and warm oils.


Integration Massage (heart+head+feet) - 2hrs £500

This energy session focuses on the heart, the head and feet to help you integrate your experience on this magical island before you return home. Feel the soothing touch of warm oils very gently poured all over your heart whilst I softly sing mantras and use fragrances, candles and music.​​


Book your massage today!
Pearly's clinics are between Ibiza and London.

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